Hi,buddy👋 Welcome to Simon game.
How to Play: There are four color blocks corresponding to the color green 🟢, red 🔴, yellow 🟡 and blue 🔵. To start, press the button below. Click on the color that blinks. After each successful round, the game will add another color to the sequence. You have to memorize the sequence in the right order and have to click the colors according to the right sequence to clear the current level. If you get the sequence right then you'll get promoted to the next level and the game will continue in this way. Or, if you get the sequence wrong and click on any wrong color in the order then, the game will be over and you have to press the button below to restart the game.
Good luck ✌️ and thanks for playing 😊.
[Made with ❤️ by Arnab (Special thanks to Dr.Angela Yu and my buddy Priyadarsi)]